Wednesday, November 9, 2011

DIY Hair Oil

Actually, this one recipe I will share with you is from a forum post that I have participated but then since I have proven that its good and works truly as it claims then I shall share, here it goes:


1 table spoon dry fenugreek/ fenugreek seeds
1 spoon goose berry powder/ 3 dry goose berries (also called Ama)
one small piece of red sandalwood
1 table spoon of black cumin seeds
1 table spoon clove
a bottle of pure coconut oil..

Procedure: Place all the ingredients in a bottle with coconut oil for about 3 days the least. After the 3rd day, you can use the oil. Massage liberally on your hair and scalp. It sure helps gain those missing hairs.

It’s just simple recipe and I hope you can get back to me if this works well for you. Let us search for other alternatives.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


We all love our hair and will do everything to take care of it, but how? Here are a few facts about hair care:

* Avoid too much styling experiment with hair. Coloring or perming your hair often can damage it.
* It is advisable not to perm and color hair the same day.
* Too much blow drying or hot curling can damage your hair.
* Pulling hair put strain on the follicle and this may result in permanent damage and the follicle no longer being able to grow again.
* Avoid combing or brushing wet hair as they are more fragile when wet.
* Identify the right shampoo for your hair. Every shampoo has scientific value. To get the most for your money match it up to your hair type.
* Always wear a bathing cap while swimming in the pool and shampoo your hair immediately afterwards.

Hair fall is a common issue with most people. This can happen due to varied levels of stress and anxiety, inadequate sleep, eating disorders and even improper hair care products. This can also become a major issue if sufficient hair care is not included in your lifestyle.

Try and get a hair product that suits your mane and stick to it. Frequent changing of formulations can as well affect your hair resulting into hair fall. It is recommended to visit a salon and opt for a hair nourishing spa at least once a month.

If your hair is colored, chances are high that they might start falling. Chemicals tend to invade the hair follicles and damage the interior structure. Wash colored hair with products formulated to treat it specifically. Again, an experts or specialist's treatment would be great to ensure that chemically colored hair is healthy too.

I use a combination of coconut oil, caster oil, honey and lemon juice. At times I even add the white of an egg. I particularly take care to include a spa each month and rinse my tresses with tea leaves soaked in warm water after each wash. This gives a natural shine to my hair and also prevents hair fall.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Color Your Own Hair

Normal colored hair is not the trend now and color treated hair is the game. Going to the salon is expensive and takes much of your time so its better to do things at the convenience of your home. Here are simple coloring tips or you:

Blond..James Blond
Chamomile tea can be use to enhance blond hair.Brew 5-10 bags with 3/4 cups of water. Let it cool naturally or if in a rush, you can add 4 ice cubes to cool it. Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and place the mixture in a spray bottle. Spray on your hair evenly until all hairs are saturated. Cover hair in plastic wrap or plastic cap and let it sit for about 30-45minutes. For brighter results, use a heated towel and wrap around the head for about the same time.

Brunette for Fun
Dark color brunettes can use coffee.Coffee is a not just your simple cup of joe but also a great color enhancer. Using brewed coffe placed in a spray bottle, saturate your hair with the mixture and comb it until its evenly distributed. Leave on for about 20-30minutes. Repeat the process if you want to achieve darker result. Rinse well and shampoo. Use mild conditioner to lock in the color.

Bleed for Red
This is the easiest color to achieve. For an orangey, strawberry-blond, reddish mane, you can use carrot juice. Any carrot juice in a can is fine. Place it in a spray bottle, saturate your hair with the mixture and comb it until its evenly distributed. For a much deeper auburn red-tone manes, you can use beet. Do the same process with the spray. To ensure the vivid color, you can use heated towel and wrap around your head for almost 30mins then rinse off with mild shampoo then condition.

I do prefer home hair remedies because they are easily available for us. Its also practical to use and with lesser side effects compared to the chemically based hair dyes.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Sleep And Eye Creams Are Your Best Bet Against Signs Of Aging Around The Eyes

One of the reasons why the eyes are the first ones to look older in the face is due to the very thin skin that is on this area. Subtle changes in the blood vessels under the eyes can easily be seen on the surface thus making it form dark lines and puffy eyes. Also, the eyes are also prone to forming wrinkles as the skin on this area is forced to fold many different times.

Due to this, the use of eye creams would usually precede the use of wrinkle creams on the face. Eye creams can have two types as one type will focus on eliminating dark lines and puffiness of the eyes, while the other type focuses on eliminating wrinkles that are more commonly referred to as crow?s feet.

Retinol eye creams are one of the best when it comes to eliminating puffiness and dark lines. This is because these creams can stimulate the body to regenerate cells much faster so that older cells may be replaced. This will effectively get rid of dark lines that form underneath the eyes.

Retinol also works as an antioxidant that can get rid of free radical build up in the eyes. Free radicals are a cause of ugly skin that is also prone to developing wrinkles. By eliminating free radicals near the eyes, the eyes will be able to look younger longer and prevent the early development of the signs of aging.

Other effects of eye creams include stimulating the production of collagen and elastin that will improve skin elasticity. This will help make the skin be more resistant to forming wrinkles as it will be firmer and be able to return to its original form better thus reducing and eliminating wrinkles.

You can also make your eyes look even younger faster by making sure that you take care of your body and get enough sleep each night. This will help your body repair itself much more efficiently. This will lead to better looking skin and less accumulation of fluids under the eyes that cause puffiness.

Applying cucumber slices on the eyes will reduce puffiness in the short term. Also, avoiding salt and alcohol will help reduce puffiness as these can stimulate the body to store more fluids. Exercising on the other hand, will encourage your body to eliminate excess fluids much faster.

So make sure your eyes look young by making use of the various eye creams on the market today. Aside from this, you should also make sure that you get enough sleep at night as this alone can reduce signs of aging around the eyes by a great deal.

Jen Hopkins has been in the field of eye cream reviews for a long time and maintains a website about eye cream reviews where you can get answers to the rest of your questions.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Protect Your Eyes From Crow's Feet By Using The Eyelastin Eye Cream

A good eye cream should be able to solve the most common problems when it comes to the eyes, which are puffiness and dark lines. Aside from this, another effect that some eye creams may have is the reduction of crow?s feet that form at the corner of the eyes.

The Eyelastin cream claims to be one of the best eye creams as it can solve all three of these eye problems. Doing this should result in much younger looking eyes as wrinkles are reduced and the eyes look refreshed making them more inviting to look at.

A lot of ingredients are included in Eyelastin which it claims will carry out its anti-aging effects. some of these include argireline, syn-ake, palmitoyl oligopeptide, hyaluronic acid and vitamin K. most of these have great anti-aging effects except for vitamin K which does not seem to have much of an effect on the skin.

Argireline and syn-ake are two very common ingredients as they have the same effect in reducing wrinkles on the skin. These two work by preventing the muscles responsible for forming wrinkles from contracting. Doing this will obviously result in fewer and shallower wrinkles, although they only work temporarily.

Hyaluronic acid is another popular ingredient in a lot of beauty creams as it has very good moisturizing effects. by doing this, the skin will be able to retain water for a much longer time, resulting in smoother and softer skin that is also more resistant to damage.

Aside from these two main ingredients, the other effective ingredient of this product is palmitoyl oligopeptide. This stimulates the body to produce more collagen and elastin which results in lesser wrinkles as the skin is able to return to its original form even after excessive folding.

One problem with this eye cream is that its ingredients focuses mainly on eliminating wrinkles around the eyes, but it will not do much in terms of getting rid of puffiness and dark lines under the eyes. This is evidenced by the many customer testimonials that claim their eyes still remained puffy even after weeks of use of the Eyelastin cream.

Eyelastin is a good eye cream if you want to get rid of crow?s feet. Other than this problem, it will not be able to get rid of puffiness and dark lines unlike other creams as it has no ingredients that can solve this problem. Its main action is just by increasing skin elasticity which is only good for eliminating wrinkles.

Jen Hopkins has been in the field of eye creams review for a long time and maintains a website about eye creams where you can get answers to the rest of your questions.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Improve The Appearance Of Your Eyes With The Obagi Elastiderm Night Eye Cream

Wrinkles are very common signs of aging that can form around the eyes as one grows older. These form as a result of the decreased skin elasticity coupled with the repeated folding of the skin in this area. This will then slowly form fine lines which can eventually develop into deeper wrinkles.

The Obagi Elastiderm Night Eye Cream claims to be able to solve the problem of wrinkles and fine lines on the eyes by increasing the production of collagen and elastin by the body. These two proteins are important in improving the skin?s elasticity as they are used in making the skin?s matrix or support system.

The main ingredient that carries out the effects of Obagi is its bi-mineral complex. This is the one that improves the collagen and elastin producing capabilities of the body which directly results in the increase in skin elasticity. Both of these proteins work together in achieving this effect.

Malonic acid is another ingredient of Obagi eye cream which can stimulate the production of new and better looking cells. Doing this will help get rid of dull and older looking cells on the surface of the skin faster. This will also result in the elimination of dark and rough patches on the skin.

Blueberry extract is another ingrdeient that can be found in Obagi eye cream. This has a more general effect in terms of reversing the effects of aging as it mainly works by eliminating free radicals from the body. Getting rid of free radicals can slow down the effects of aging thus maintaining your younger looking skin and eyes much longer.

With all of these actions, Obagi eye cream should be effective in improving wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes. All of its actions are needed by the eyes to improve its appearance and get rid of wrinkles which will lead to making you look a few years younger.

Just because a cream has great ingredients, it does not always mean that it will be effective. Fortunately for the case of Obagi, it is also a very effective cream that has many of its users praising its effects. A lot of people were satisfied with the reduction in their wrinkles as well as the lightness of the texture of the cream.

Wrinkles are very common signs of aging that can form around the eyes. If you want to get rid of them the easy way, then you can try using eye creams such as the Obagi Elastiderm Night Eye Cream. This is a proven and effective cream that can help get rid of those wrinkles within a matter of weeks.

Jen Hopkins has been in the field of eye cream for a long time and maintains a website about eye creams review where you can get answers to the rest of your questions.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Protect Your Body From Infections While It Is Still Early With Toenail Fungus Treatments

Dealing with fungal infections on our nails is very easy as long as you take the necessary steps while it is still early. This is because fungi are still susceptible to the many toenail fungus treatments that you can use while there are still minimal in number. Once they have multiplied and has become well established on our nails, it becomes much harder to get rid of them.

The easiest way to prevent fungal infections from getting worse is by using toenail fungus treatments that you see being sold in your local drug stores. These are easily applied on the affected area and infection should start to subside in a matter of weeks.

This method is probably the easiest way to get rid of infections, although there are still other things that you can try. Various home remedies have been used by a lot of people and some became more popular than others as they seem to be more effective.

One very famous home remedy that many people have already used is the application of tea tree oil on the affected area. This can get rid of fungi by leaving a significant amount of the oil on the affected area for a few minutes everyday. Aside from this, you can also try using a strong mouthwash or Vicks vaporrub to prevent the fungi from spreading.

These home remedies are much easier to use as they are already substances that you can find at home. One problem with this is that the may be less effective than the prescribed treatment, so your treatment period may take a much longer time and you will need a lot of these substances before the fungi eventually comes off your nails or skin.

Whatever method you choose to do, it is best to take action as soon as you see an infection on your nails. If you wait until the infection becomes worse, you will have to deal with the many complications that come with it such as having weak and cracked nails, as well as the foul smell that usually accompanies such infections.

For infections that have become really bad, using simple toenail fungus treatments may not work for such cases. You may need to consult a doctor immediately to prevent the further spread of the fungi. The doctor may prescribe really strong drugs just to be able to control the infection and prevent any serious complications from developing.

So if you want to avoid having to deal with serious complications of fungal infections, treat them at once while they are still few with toenail fungus treatments or home remedies. This way, you will be able to save a lot of money as compared to having to consult a doctor and taking in very strong and prescribed drugs.

Having toenail fungus lurking on her toes, Jen is now obssesed in finding a Toenail Fungus Treatment Cure. She really hates her toes right now and she is dying to get her hands on the best toenail fungus remedy.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Advantage Of Using Stretch Mark Creams

Getting rid of normal scars on the skin is never easy. This is because the formation of scars is how the body is able to heal wounds on the skin. This leaves permanent marks and blemishes on the skin that disrupts smooth and flawless skin. It would take special measures to get rid of these from the skin.

One thing that many people try is the use of scar removal creams and ointments. This can be effective at removing scars as these can exfoliate the dead cells and collagen that make up the scar. This can then be replaced by younger and newer cells when the skin repairs itself.

Specific scars that cannot be removed by these methods are stretch marks. This is because stretch marks are formed on the deeper layers of the skin. Since these products work on the surface of the skin, they cannot reach and penetrate the deeper layers so that these can also be removed. Stretch marks will need even more specialized methods for them to be eliminated.

A better option that you can use for stretch marks are the specialized stretch mark creams. These creams are made specifically for stretch marks as these are special kinds of scars. They form due to the excessive stretching of the skin, which can lead to the deeper layers tearing and forming these characteristic scars once they heal.

One way of how stretch mark creams can solve the problem of stretch marks is by penetrating deep into the skin and breaking down the scar tissue. This way, it may be still present but it will be less visible as the particles will be smaller as compared to before.

In addition to this, stretch mark creams also have a lightening effect which evens out skin tone so that it would be camouflaged together with the rest of your skin. this way, even though the stretch marks are still present on the skin, you will have to look really closely before you will notice that they are still there.

Stretch mark creams do not only make these scars look less visible, they also help prevent the formation of new stretch marks as they have the ability to boost the body?s collagen production so that the skin may use these proteins to make itself more elastic. This way, it will not tear very easily when stretched due to different factors.

Even though stretch mark creams cannot totally eliminate scars from the skin, it is a much better option that using scar removal creams on stretch marks. Scar removal creams will only be a waste of time as its actions are only superficial and will not reach the deeper layers of the skin where stretch marks lie.

Learn more about get rid of stretch marks. Visit Jen Hopkins's site,, where you can find out all about stretch mark removal and other valuable information about the topic.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Use Eye Creams To Have An Overall Younger Appearance

The eyes are very important when meeting and talking with people. It is usually the focus of every person when you are talking with them. so if you want to project a young image, then you should do your best in making your eyes look younger as this is the first thing that most people will look at in your face.

With all the attention your eyes get, it is important that you have beautiful eyes if you want to project a good image. Soft, glowing and younger looking eyes will go a long way in making people think that you are younger than you actually are. In contrast, eyes that are dull and full of wrinkles will make people think that you are a lot older.

In order to get rid of these signs of aging, you can use eye creams to attain that glowing, younger looking eyes that you once had. As said earlier, eyes are usually the first things that people will look at in your face. By having younger looking eyes, most people will also think that you are actually younger than you really are.

Wrinkles such as crow's feet are common at the corner of the eyes. This is because the eyes constantly moves which leads to the development of wrinkles. If you have a habit of squinting a lot, then all the more that these wrinkles will form due too the constant folding of the skin at this area.

To get rid of this problem, most eye creams also act similarly as wrinkle creams. they help increase the skin's elasticity and regenerating capabilities so that wrinkles will become shallower and less numerous. By eliminating these wrinkles, it is already a big step in ensuring that your eyes look a few years younger.

In addition to wrinkles, puffiness under the eyes and dark lines are also signs of aging that can be very prominent. This is usually caused when the body is always under stress and when it does not get enough rest. The body is unable to repair damages done to the body which contributes to blockages in capillaries and accumulation of fluid under the eyes.

Eye creams get rid of this problem by stimulating blood to flow better in this area. Once blood flows faster, it carries with it the excess fluid that builds up under the eyes. This results in less puffiness of the skin. Aside from this, more nutrients can be delivered to the area thus stimulating cell regeneration and eliminating dark lines as well.

Eye creams will help you project a younger looking appearance by solving all of the signs of aging present around the eyes that normal wrinkle creams cannot do. Its special capabilities will help make your eyes look a few years younger and make people believe that you are a lot younger than your actual age.

Jen Hopkins has worked in the anti anti aging products product industry for years. She maintains websites about anti aging products and wrinkle creams. If you want to contact her, you can use the contact form at one of her sites.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Is Your Knowledge About Wrinkle Creams Enough?

Can we actually control the appearance of wrinkles on our faces? Women who see that fines lines start to develop, they instantly panic. Since these fine lines develop into deeper wrinkles, they need to find a solution as fast as possible. There is always the best solution that will work for you and you should start looking for it as soon as you can.

The top choice that women rely on would be wrinkle creams. Creams are very easy to use because these are just applied on the face. With constant use, you will see that the skin will improve. The wrinkles will start to fade until these become unnoticeable. Plus, you will see that the skin will become smoother.

You will not only be satisfied with the results that you get from using the creams. The price is often one thing that consumers check. Wrinkle creams are very affordable which is why there are so many who use these. It is very unlikely that you will find an expensive wrinkle cream. With the price that you pay for it, the cream will last for about a month or so.

Manufacturers of these products can do advertising pretty well. They can make other people believe that their products are effective. As the consumer, you really have to be very careful. Even if the advertisements are very believable, you still have to ensure that what you bought will give you results when you use it.

As the world is leaning towards using safe and skin-friendly products, we have to know our responsibilities. We should take our time in checking for harmful ingredients used in wrinkle creams. Whenever we buy a particular brand, it pays to know which ingredients to really avoid. It will not leave you worried that you are causing damage to your body.

Everyone wants to see results whenever they are trying a particular product. It may take a couple of weeks before you see effects from using these creams. Initially, you will see improvement but not the complete elimination of wrinkle creams. The important part is that it will give you results with constant application.

Speaking of realistic results, you should know what you will get from using these. Though you may look younger without the wrinkles, you cannot expect to look the same as when you were a teenager. If you are expecting to look like this, then you will never find a wrinkle cream that will work for you. With a realistic view on this, you will surely appreciate the results.

Wrinkle creams seem like the best solution that you have. If you do not want to see the wrinkles that form on your have, it is time to buy one. Do not let the situation get worse because it will only be your loss. Start shopping now for wrinkle creams that you need.

Jen Hopkins has worked in the anti wrinkle skin care product industry for years. She maintains websites about wrinkle skin care and lifecell anti wrinkle cream. If you want to contact her, you can use the contact form at one of her sites.