Thursday, October 20, 2011


We all love our hair and will do everything to take care of it, but how? Here are a few facts about hair care:

* Avoid too much styling experiment with hair. Coloring or perming your hair often can damage it.
* It is advisable not to perm and color hair the same day.
* Too much blow drying or hot curling can damage your hair.
* Pulling hair put strain on the follicle and this may result in permanent damage and the follicle no longer being able to grow again.
* Avoid combing or brushing wet hair as they are more fragile when wet.
* Identify the right shampoo for your hair. Every shampoo has scientific value. To get the most for your money match it up to your hair type.
* Always wear a bathing cap while swimming in the pool and shampoo your hair immediately afterwards.

Hair fall is a common issue with most people. This can happen due to varied levels of stress and anxiety, inadequate sleep, eating disorders and even improper hair care products. This can also become a major issue if sufficient hair care is not included in your lifestyle.

Try and get a hair product that suits your mane and stick to it. Frequent changing of formulations can as well affect your hair resulting into hair fall. It is recommended to visit a salon and opt for a hair nourishing spa at least once a month.

If your hair is colored, chances are high that they might start falling. Chemicals tend to invade the hair follicles and damage the interior structure. Wash colored hair with products formulated to treat it specifically. Again, an experts or specialist's treatment would be great to ensure that chemically colored hair is healthy too.

I use a combination of coconut oil, caster oil, honey and lemon juice. At times I even add the white of an egg. I particularly take care to include a spa each month and rinse my tresses with tea leaves soaked in warm water after each wash. This gives a natural shine to my hair and also prevents hair fall.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Color Your Own Hair

Normal colored hair is not the trend now and color treated hair is the game. Going to the salon is expensive and takes much of your time so its better to do things at the convenience of your home. Here are simple coloring tips or you:

Blond..James Blond
Chamomile tea can be use to enhance blond hair.Brew 5-10 bags with 3/4 cups of water. Let it cool naturally or if in a rush, you can add 4 ice cubes to cool it. Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and place the mixture in a spray bottle. Spray on your hair evenly until all hairs are saturated. Cover hair in plastic wrap or plastic cap and let it sit for about 30-45minutes. For brighter results, use a heated towel and wrap around the head for about the same time.

Brunette for Fun
Dark color brunettes can use coffee.Coffee is a not just your simple cup of joe but also a great color enhancer. Using brewed coffe placed in a spray bottle, saturate your hair with the mixture and comb it until its evenly distributed. Leave on for about 20-30minutes. Repeat the process if you want to achieve darker result. Rinse well and shampoo. Use mild conditioner to lock in the color.

Bleed for Red
This is the easiest color to achieve. For an orangey, strawberry-blond, reddish mane, you can use carrot juice. Any carrot juice in a can is fine. Place it in a spray bottle, saturate your hair with the mixture and comb it until its evenly distributed. For a much deeper auburn red-tone manes, you can use beet. Do the same process with the spray. To ensure the vivid color, you can use heated towel and wrap around your head for almost 30mins then rinse off with mild shampoo then condition.

I do prefer home hair remedies because they are easily available for us. Its also practical to use and with lesser side effects compared to the chemically based hair dyes.