Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Skin Care Methods and Treatments to Prevent Aging

Genetics plays a big role when it comes to aging. Some people are lucky to have good genes which allow them to look much younger than their actual age. On the other hand, there are those who seem a lot older than they really are. Aside from genes, environmental exposure and personal habits can also contribute to how the skin ages.

As the body grows older, one big change that occurs which contributes to the formation of wrinkles and other signs of aging is the decreased production of collagen by the body. Collagen is responsible for maintaining the elasticity of the skin and reducing its levels in the body will lead to skin that is prone to sagging and forming wrinkles. The body’s production of new cells also slows down when one ages thus repair and regeneration is not as efficient. Free radicals may accumulate in the body and these have toxic effects to the body’s cells which may increase the rate of aging of the skin.

Simple things that can be done to prevent the skin from aging are by providing it nutrients that it can use. This can be done by eating a well-balanced diet, avoiding junk food, drinking lots of water and decreasing one’s intake of fat and salt. In addition to watching what you eat, drinking lots of water will also have many benefits to the body and not just to the skin. Exercising is also a way to keep your body working well and to eliminate wastes much faster. Lastly, making sure that you get enough hours of sleep ensures that your body has enough time to regenerate itself while you sleep at night.

Other things that you can do to slow down or even reverse the aging process is by using eye creams. Eye creams can help in preventing the skin from aging as it can moisturize the skin, exfoliate it and even help return its elasticity. Creams that stimulate the body to increase collagen production will be very helpful in reducing wrinkles and fine lines on the face.

Aside from this, creams may also have lightening effects which is very useful for those who have dark spots or lines on their skin. Applying cream regularly will slowly help in evening out one’s skin tone so that dark areas on the face may be less visible to the naked eye.

With all of these methods of skin care and anti-aging, the best way to go about this might be to combine several methods to obtain the best results. Just be sure that what you are doing is safe and will not cause more harm than good.