Thursday, September 23, 2010

Organic Beauty Products: Safest For You

The trend of things to go green and natural has surely reached cosmetics and beauty products. Even beauty products have developed greener, more natural and more organic versions. But a person might suddenly stop and ask herself, “What’s good about these organic products? What makes them better than the other products?”

A number of people might not realize the amount of carcinogens present in those commercialized cosmetic and beauty products. Being the largest organ in our skin, the skin can greatly affect our health. The way we treat our skin would be reflected in our health conditions. Research has shown that 60% of the chemicals in beauty products applied on the skin are absorbed in the blood stream. Thus, carcinogens and other harmful ingredients can be absorbed within the body and cause great damage to our health and body.

One group among the more harmful ingredients in beauty products are the phthalates. These chemicals have been associated with birth defects in the reproductive system of men. Research showed that a number of top brands of beauty products use 7 types of phthalates which clearly poses great risks to the health of the user.
Good thing phthalates are not found in organic beauty products. So if I were you, I would start using safer and healthier products like organic beauty products.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Organic Skincare Products: Attractive Isn’t Always Safe

Have you ever bought an organic skincare product that was considered “safe”? What are the colors of your products? Natural products containing lavender should have a hue closer to purple, as for green herbs closer to green color. When you buy organic make up and the color doesn’t match the ingredients then it’s not truly organic. It is full of harsh sulfates and bleach. Bewildered? It’s true. The color of your skincare should match your ingredients. When you buy lavender scent organic soap and you get a white soap with heady lavender smell then its “synthetic” stuff you got.

The next time you go to the store and buy organic skincare products be sure to check out the ingredients and the color. Each of these natural ingredients can be mixed with other ingredients synthesized to help unlock its potential and provide value for their individual properties. Organic skin treatment is truly an art, once perfected, can give you wonderful results in a very price efficient ways.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Lifecell a hoax?

A review said that Lifecell is a hoax..cant agree with that...I have been using it for over 2 years now and it works for me.. is a true eye cream reviews and not a hoax...2 of their products works really well for me...One is Lifecell and the other is BASQNYC Cucumber Tea Eye much better than Garnier or revitol at that.. ^_^

Walking on the grass to eliminate dark circles?

Walking on the grass?.... We all know that green colour is the best colour of eyes. Green color sooth the eyes and relaxes the muscle around the eye lenses. It is said in some books (related to Ayurveda and home remedies) that when their is a dew on the plant, we get close to it. Why? because they provide a relaxing effect. An eye specialist also recommends walking on the grass bare footed to most of his patients.

Dark Circles : A Heredity???

In most cases the dark circles under the eyes are blood vessels that can be seen through the skin. The skin around the eyelids (pre orbital skin) is the thinnest skin in the body (around .5mm thick compared to 2.0mm in other areas). Like varicose veins, dark circles under the eyes are usually an inherited trait. When blood passes through the veins close to the surface of the skin it can produce a bluish tint. The more transparent the skin (also an inherited trait) the darker the circles appear. In people with deep set bone structure, shadowing contributes to the dark colors under the eyes.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Going gaga over watching the kids run around, mess around and shout till their lungs burst into bubbles...WHOA! wrinkles again? No fear, i have my LifeCell with me.. Its my only protection against aging and other skin problem... so I dont worry away...I am wrinkle free and age less? hahhahahaha..think so...


SKIN care anyone? yes, we all love to care for our skin...but how? hmmm...find the right product that suits you...check out and check out some cool stuff there...nothing beats a prepared mind and a knowledgeable one at that, ayt? so be prepared to care for you skin and scare the scare away!


For hair loss, only external application does not give satisfatory results unless the root contribute (internal disorder) is removed. To combat internal disorder, you may use oral medicine that your doctor has prescribed which effectively controls the problem from the roots, along with the external application like hair revitalizers which nourishes the hair roots and in that way restrict the hair fall. In addition, you have to take a balance diet, avoid eating oily and spicy food and remain tension free which will improve your hair texture..

You may also check out for additional information ..