Thursday, September 23, 2010

Organic Beauty Products: Safest For You

The trend of things to go green and natural has surely reached cosmetics and beauty products. Even beauty products have developed greener, more natural and more organic versions. But a person might suddenly stop and ask herself, “What’s good about these organic products? What makes them better than the other products?”

A number of people might not realize the amount of carcinogens present in those commercialized cosmetic and beauty products. Being the largest organ in our skin, the skin can greatly affect our health. The way we treat our skin would be reflected in our health conditions. Research has shown that 60% of the chemicals in beauty products applied on the skin are absorbed in the blood stream. Thus, carcinogens and other harmful ingredients can be absorbed within the body and cause great damage to our health and body.

One group among the more harmful ingredients in beauty products are the phthalates. These chemicals have been associated with birth defects in the reproductive system of men. Research showed that a number of top brands of beauty products use 7 types of phthalates which clearly poses great risks to the health of the user.
Good thing phthalates are not found in organic beauty products. So if I were you, I would start using safer and healthier products like organic beauty products.

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